Still in Aden I spent a good ten minutes trying to explain to a taxi driver that I wanted to go to the airport. It came to the attention of a passing police car. I tried to explain to them for ten minutes that I wanted to go to the Airport. They sent out a message over the loud speaker calling for anyone who spoke English. I just picked out Inglezi, I assume thats what they were asking. Maybe it was "hey, get a load of this dumb English guy." Either way a guy came over from a nearby cafe and asked in English what I wanted. I said I wanted to go to the airport. And he said to them in Arabic exactly what I had been saying in Arabic for the past twenty minutes. The look of their faces said somelike "oh, the AIRPORT." After a sleepless night on account of the fan not working and having to get up 6am to catch a flight this would probably be as frustrated as I get, if it wasn't so funny. Not laugh out loud funny, you know, Seinfeld funny. At least this driver was hone...