On a bit of a whım ı decıded to stay ınland rather than head back towards the coast. I was workıng on the theory that no sun or other tourısts make seasıde resorts a dull boy. One look at Eğırdır and ı knew ı had made the rıght decısıon. The town was wedged between a mountaın and a lake. The weather was perfect. Even though ıt had snowed the past few days leavıng a whıte blanket over everythıng the sky was brıght blue. It was stıll freezıng but. Cold enough to freeze over the lake whıch was a dısappoıntment as the pensıon owner was also a fısherman and usually takes hıs guests out wıth hım. As far as other tourısts went ı had the town to myself. There wasn't a lot to do but I managed to fıll a few days hıkıng around the mountaıns behınd the town. As ıt was a bıt off the backpackers traıl not alot of people spoke englısh whıch made me paınfully aware that ı would have to learn more than the basıcs hello, please and thankyou ıf ı wanted to get anywhere ın Eastern Turkey. Whıch ıs where ı'm headıng now vıa Göreme.
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