After missing my earlier bus I eventually caught a late bus from Riga at 7pm meaning I didn't get to Tartu until after midnight. I probably stayed in the smallest 'hostel' you're ever likely to see. Seriously some crazy Tartuian must have built the place after watching Lord of Rings and thought that all travelers were the size of Hobbits.
It rained constantly the entire time I was there so it was near impossible to go out and see anything so Denmark style I had to put the proverbial gun to my head to force myself to see anything. This was made harder by the fact that I had the entire 'hostel' and the associated benefits of TV, DVD and internet to myself.
It rained constantly the entire time I was there so it was near impossible to go out and see anything so Denmark style I had to put the proverbial gun to my head to force myself to see anything. This was made harder by the fact that I had the entire 'hostel' and the associated benefits of TV, DVD and internet to myself.
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